In one fell swoop
Once, I cut the webbing between two of my fingers with a poster. Would not recommend. Bonus: I currently have an 11 mm papercut on my...
Raven practices magic on an empty stomach
I will not apologize for that pun but I should. #rz0033 #raven #brain #magic #witch #brainful #brainfully
Birds are weird!
I sat down to do a comic with script and everything else but I did this instead. Also, I kept writing beirds are wierd which is the...
Raven makes a cool improvement to the bar-fridge
My fridge legitimately looks like this. Well, except without the feet, I may need to change that. #raven #fridgey #fridgey2000 #cool...
They do not call him Dr. Worm
My revenge is complete! I've had this darn song stuck in my head all day today! I'm gonna let you in on a secret here though... I still...
#rz0028 #raven #rocket #sun #corvatrice
Raven waits for no bird
#rz0027 #raven #zombie #corvatrice